Principal Notícies de celebritats Khloe Kardashian comparteix un missatge críptic sobre 'Trobar la pau' enmig dels rumors de reunió de Tristan Thompson

Khloe Kardashian comparteix un missatge críptic sobre 'Trobar la pau' enmig dels rumors de reunió de Tristan Thompson

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Veure galeria   PREMIUM EXCLUSIU: Khloe Kardashian i Tristan Thompson porten la filla True a la germana Kim's Paw Patrol premiere as rumors continue about them rekindling their romance. The on-off couple looked happy and relaxed as they joined members of the Kardashian clan for the private screening. Khloe and pro basketball player Tristan were first linked in 2016 when they were spotted spending time together at a nightclub, and they later took a vacation in Mexico. The two confirmed that they were dating that same year and remained very close through much of 2017. The reality television personality eventually confirmed that she was pregnant with the athlete's child that December through a post made to her Instagram account. Kardashian revealed that she was expecting a girl during an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians that aired the following year. In 2018, it was reported that Thompson was spotted kissing multiple women in several locations, which surprised the clothing designer. That year, she gave birth to True, and the parents later reconciled following the child's birth. Although the two appeared to be going strong in their new roles as parents, the basketball player, just traded to the Sacramento Kings in California, was later caught cheating with several other women, and the two split up in February of 2019. The pair appeared to mend their relationship over the course of that year and were reportedly on good terms by the beginning of 2020. The parents quarantined together during the early stages of the pandemic, and their romance was eventually resumed last August. Earlier this year, it was reported that the couple was planning on expanding their family in the future, although no solid plans have been revealed as of yet. This past June, it was revealed that Kardashian and Thompson had separated, although they were said to still be on good terms at the time of their split. 12 Aug 2021 Pictured: Tristan Thompson, Khloe Kardashian and daughter True. Photo credit: MEGA Th   Calabasas, CA - *EXCLUSIU* - Khloe Kardashian i Tristan Thompson es van veure reunir-se una vegada més per ser pares de la seva adorable filla True, a la classe de ball. La parella semblava a gust l'un amb l'altre's company after a rocky few months in which Tristan faced new cheating allegations. Khloe dressed casually in black leggings and a black top carried True before Tristan took her and carried her in to the class.
Pictured: Khloe Kardashian, Tristan Thompson, True Thompson
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Després d'un mes dur i rumors que es dirigeix ​​a una reunió amb l'ex Tristan Thompson , Khloe Kardashian està prenent Històries d'Instagram per treballar els seus sentiments. En diverses cites publicades a la plataforma el dijous 2 de febrer, la Good American Founder, de 38 anys, va donar als fans una visió del seu procés intern. “Treballa sobre tu mateix i vibrar sol durant una estona... cada temporada no necessita companyia ', va llegir una cita, que semblava fer retrocedir l'especulació.

  Khloe Kardashian i Tristan Thompson
Khloe Kardashian i Tristan Thompon a Los Angeles el 13 de gener de 2019. (Shutterstock)

En una altra diapositiva, va compartir el pensament: 'Una dona que va trobar la pau en lloc de la venjança no pot ser molestada mai'. Una altra cita que s'atribueix Dane Thomas llegiu: 'L'ànima més bella que mai trobareu és aquella que té va experimentar la pèrdua però continua tenint fe, i un que ha experimentat el fracàs però continua perseguint els seus somnis'. Finalment, va publicar el següent pensament: 'Abans d'anar a dormir aquesta nit, truca la teva energia i poder i declara que demà serà un gran dia!!'

Les cites arriben mentre Khloe continua plorant mort de la mare de Tristany Andrea Thompson , que va sucumbir després d'a atac de cor inesperadament a Toronto el 6 de gener. Khloe estava molt a prop d'Andrea, i la pèrdua va ser difícil per a ella. Va dir-ho a les xarxes socials les setmanes posteriors a la mort es va sentir 'adormida'.

Pel que fa a la reconciliació, malgrat les cites introspectives de Khloe, diu una font propera a la família Kardashian no hi ha pes als rumors . 'Khloe sap que els seus amics i alguns membres de la família pensen que tornarà a reconciliar-se amb Tristan i ho tornarà a provar, però no hi ha veritat en això', va dir la font. va dir HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVAMENT al gener.

Com a Khloe i altres membres de la família, inclosa la seva germana Kim Kardashian , encapçalat al funeral , l'especulació es va intensificar. Però també hi ha una explicació senzilla per a això, segons la font. 'La Khloe va anar a donar suport a Tristan al funeral perquè ella ho volia. La seva família va venir perquè ho volien. És així de senzill i Tristany faria el mateix per ella.

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